8 Week Color Theory Course using Photoshop, Mutual Repulsion, Mural projects, Color in Cultural Context
Yes, I'm familiar with the idea of mutual repulsion! It’s a concept where certain color combinations seem to create an uneasy or jarring visual effect, as the colors appear to "push" against each other. It's a more advanced concept than simple complementary colors, as it focuses on how colors interact in a way that creates tension or discomfort.
Grids and Templates, Photoshop in Design Courses, Curriculum Development
I've been trying to design the next level of interactions. I've been having a problem finding actual examples and creating them using chat because you have to upgrade to the next level. But my question is this. In week six, you're talking about a week where we're discussing the use of the grid. And I'm assuming that we can be looking at the use of a grid in interior design or in layout just in terms of organizing elements. But where can I refer students to on the web? What are some good resources for layout where they can go and find examples of good layout? Maybe you can even recommend people working in the industry who use the grid to develop their designs. And then we can develop some course content lecture material.