
Knowing how to brainstorm or mindmap is invaluable when trying to come up with ideas and then clarify them. 

When starting a design Hillman Curtis (  draws 3 circles, one within the other (like a target) and places the one word that defines and describes the site or design in the center. In the next circles he places the second and third most important single words.     This way he stays focused with clarity of intent.

Above  is an example of very quick mindmapping. There are books on mindmapping, and software that helps you do it. The idea behind brainstorming is to not discard ANY idea as ridiculous, just put it all down. Some of the most far fetched ideas can be tweaked to work,     and often end up adding to originality and impact.

I started with the word Landscape, since that is what I want my final to be. I quickly drew out lines corresponding to different landscapes, and from those, elements you might find in those landscapes. The idea behind mindmapping is to keep getting more and more branches, so you can see landscape/jungle/plants/carnivorous plants and landscape/urban/people/individual

I then googled the appropriate terms and collaged together a model for my design that I can analyze in both conceptual and designterms.

Below is another example of a mindmap I did when considering the advantages and disadvantages of entering a doctoral program.